Expressed as a percentage, 21/25 = 84%.
14, 15, 14 It is the percentage of prime numbers in each ascending group of 100 numbers.
percentage of 21 out of 32 = 65.625%= 21/32 * 100% = 0.65625 * 100% = 65.625%
1 as a percentage of 16 is 6.25%
percentage = 76.19% % rate: = 16/21 * 100% = 0.7619 * 100% = 76.19%
% rate:= 21/16 * 100%= 1.3125 * 100%= 131.25%
Expressed as a percentage, 21/25 = 84%.
21% of 16= 21% * 16= 0.21 * 16= 3.36
14, 15, 14 It is the percentage of prime numbers in each ascending group of 100 numbers.
percentage of 21 out of 32 = 65.625%= 21/32 * 100% = 0.65625 * 100% = 65.625%
1 as a percentage of 16 is 6.25%
21-16 = 5
1/16 as a percentage = 100*1/16 = 6.25%
The greatest factor of 21 and 16 is 21, which is a factor of 21 but not of 16.
21 out of 72 = 21 / 72 = 0.291667Converting the above decimal to a percentage: 0.291667 * 100 = 29.17%