31 out of 74 as a percentage is about 41.891891% (891 repeats).
if you divide 31/35 it = 88.57 which the percentage is 89%
The percentage 12 out of 22 is about 54.54%.
Percentage of 28 out of 31 = 28/31 * 100% = 90.32%
5 as a percentage of 31 = 100*5/31 = 16.13%, approx.
31/78 gives a percentage of 39.74%
The serial code for the Cent's Package in Evony is currently not avalible as the package is not active. qy5fga1efu0mqzw2009-08-31 22:13:44Activeofat0jd3z73mxh62009-08-31 22:13:44Activer8lwn164w1ycn4r2009-08-31 22:13:44Activez969269v983duga2009-08-31 22:13:45Activeh7i23ljp6frk7up2009-08-31 22:13:45Activeyuy4jgqsb0gutrb2009-08-31 22:13:45Active38i2a2ntr9piuwt2009-08-31 22:13:45Activejb3hfmxmv8mr3vi2009-08-31 22:13:45Activeuyqcg0eka6tf4nr2009-08-31 22:13:45Activex6203y30kepm58h2009-08-31 22:13:45Active
31 minus 9 is 22 31 - 9 = 22
31 out of 74 as a percentage is about 41.891891% (891 repeats).
if you divide 31/35 it = 88.57 which the percentage is 89%
The percentage 12 out of 22 is about 54.54%.
8 as a percentage of 31 is 25.81% rounded to two decimal places