Expressed as a vulgar fraction in its simplest form, 27/33 is equal to 9/11, or nine elevenths. Expressed as a percentage, this is equal to (9/11) x 100 = 81.81 recurring (that is, 81.818181) percent.
2700/33 = 81.82% to two significant figures.
1/33 as a percentage = 100*1/33 = 3.33.. %
Expressed as a percentage, 33/100 is equal to 33/100 x 100 = 33 percent.
33/49 in a percentage is 67.34. For example, if you get 33/49 on a test, you would have a 67.3%.
Expressed as a vulgar fraction in its simplest form, 27/33 is equal to 9/11, or nine elevenths. Expressed as a percentage, this is equal to (9/11) x 100 = 81.81 recurring (that is, 81.818181) percent.
A quick answer is that as 33 x 3 = 99 so is nearly 100 then 9 x 3 = 27 so answer is around 27% It is actually 27.272727 and so on
2700/33 = 81.82% to two significant figures.
33 and 1/3 % is equivalent to 1/3. So multiplying anything that is that percentage of another number by 3, will give you the full number. In this case you get: Your answer is 81 27 * 3 = 81
1/33 as a percentage = 100*1/33 = 3.33.. %
Expressed as a percentage, 33/100 is equal to 33/100 x 100 = 33 percent.
33 = 27
33/49 in a percentage is 67.34. For example, if you get 33/49 on a test, you would have a 67.3%.
No, 33 multiplied by 27 is 891.
Yes. 33/27 = 11/9
It is: 27/33 = 9/11 simplified
1 & 3 are the common factors of 27 and 33.