It is 47.059% rounded to 3 decimal places
percentage of 17 = 1700% 17 * 100% = 1700%
percentage of 6 out of 17= 35.29%% rate:= 6/17 * 100%= 0.3529 * 100%= 35.29%
3 out of 17 as a percentage = 17.65%% rate:= 3/17 * 100%= 0.1765 * 100%= 17.65%
It is 47.059% rounded to 3 decimal places
percentage of 17 = 1700% 17 * 100% = 1700%
17 out of 19 as a percentage is about 89.474%.
8/100 as a percentage is 8%
percentage of 6 out of 17= 35.29%% rate:= 6/17 * 100%= 0.3529 * 100%= 35.29%
3 out of 17 as a percentage = 17.65%% rate:= 3/17 * 100%= 0.1765 * 100%= 17.65%
1 and 17 twentieths written as a percentage is 185%
As asked, the answer is 1700% However, the question may be more properly interpreted as what percentage is 17 if the ratio is 17:1 In this case it means 17 parts out of every 18 - which is a percentage of 94.44%