To convert a fraction to a percentage, multiply it by 100%:
9/36 = 9/36 x 100 % = (1x9)/(4x9) x 100 % = 100/4 % = 25 %
25 x4 =100 that's your percentage times the 9 by the same value (4) 9 x4 =36 your answer is 36%
28/36 = 14/18 = 7/9 and in percentage that would be (7/9) x 100 = 700/9 =77.777
20/36 = 5/9 = .55 = 55%
percentage = 36%% rate:= 9/25 * 100%= 0.36 * 100%= 36%
9/25 as a percentage is 36%
25 x4 =100 that's your percentage times the 9 by the same value (4) 9 x4 =36 your answer is 36%
28/36 = 14/18 = 7/9 and in percentage that would be (7/9) x 100 = 700/9 =77.777
36/40 = .9, so a 36 out of 40 is 90%.
It is: 1.'36'% recurring decimal '36'
20/36 = 5/9 = .55 = 55%
% rate:= (9/36) x 100%= 0.35 x 100%= 35%
to calculate 9/25 to a percentage, you would have to divide 9 by 25 which is 0.36 then, you multiply 0.36 by 100 100 because percentage is a number out of 100 0.36X100= 36% there is your answer! 36%
To convert a fraction to a percentage multiple by 100: 9/25 = 9/25 x 100 % = 36 %