Expressed as a percentage, 45/300 is equal to 15/100, or 15 per cent. Written as a fraction in its lowest terms, this is equal to 3/20, or three twentieths.
45 as a percentage of 100 is 45%
18 as a percentage of 45 is 40%
The percentage of 29 out of 45 is 64.44% and is foung by (29/45)*100%.
Expressed as a percentage, 45/300 is equal to 15/100, or 15 per cent. Written as a fraction in its lowest terms, this is equal to 3/20, or three twentieths.
What percent of 300 people is 45:= 45 / 300= 0.15Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.15 * 100 = 15%
Percent or Percentage effectively means hundredth. So if 1% of a number is 45, then 45 is 1/100 of the number you require, namely (100/1) x 45 = 4500 Then if 15% of a number is 45, then 45 is 15/100 of the number you require, namely :- (100/15) x 45 = 300
What is 72% of 609: 72 ÷ 100 × 609 = 438.48What is 15% of 300: 15 ÷ 100 × 300 = 45
45 as a percentage of 100 is 45%
equivalent percentage for 45 out of 100 = 45%% rate:= 45/100 * 100%= 45%
45, as a percentage of 654 = 100*45/654 = 6.88%
18 as a percentage of 45 is 40%
The percentage of 29 out of 45 is 64.44% and is foung by (29/45)*100%.
Expressed as a percentage, 45/150 x 100 = 30 percentage.
percentage of 0.45 = 45% 0.45 * 100% = 45%