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Studies show that 23% of teenagers in high school have tried marijuana. 19% of the teenage population has also admitted to driving while under the influence of marijuana.

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Q: What percentage of American teenagers have tried marijuana?
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What percent of teens report to having tried marijuana in their lifetime?

Approximately 43% of teenagers report having tried marijuana in their lifetime.

Whats the percentage of men that consumes marijuana?

In the United States 38 percent of the people state they currently smoke marijuana or have tried it in the past.

What percentage of people have tried marijuana?

47% of the worlds population does not intend to smoke this herb of peace which they refer as a "DRUG"

Who smokes more teens or adults?

Teens definitely - the popular media, as well as peer pressure, friends who use the drug and the view on marijuana being "the love drug" or some form of harmless "grass" all effect and shape teenagers' mindsets - most teenagers I know have either tried, come in contact with or known somebody who sells marijuana.

About how many teens have tried illegal drugs?

About 1400 teenagers die each year from drugs and partying. (In the U.S.)

What is the percentage of teenagers preasured into doing drugs?

The average percentage of teenagers who have tried, done and are still doing illegal drugs is 72.7%. More than 35% of the teenagers I have asked at my school have said they have tried, done, and are still doing illegal drugs.

Is it true that less than half of teens have tried marijuana in their lifetimes?

ture or false Less than half of teens have tried marijuana in their lifetimes

What percent of teenagers in America started or tried smoking?


Does marijuana that is baked do anything to your body?

If you a heavy marijuana user then no If your new to marijuana uses then use I haven't tried it, but in the 60s marijuana brownies were supposed to make people high.

What age do kids normally use drugs?

This varies depending upon the drug, the age group and the geographic location. Also, many kids never use drugs - the percentage of teenagers who have ever tried any drugs (besides marijuana and beer) tends to float around 30-40%. However, a teen who uses drugs tends to start small between 12 and 15 years of age.

Can ridaline and marijuana kill you?

I highly doubt it. I personally have tried Amphetamine (ADDerall) and marijuana, it was enjoyable, and I'm still alive.

Who is doing marijuana?

By the way you've phrased this question I assume you mean; "what kinds of groups use marijuana?" so on that basis I'll give you my answer based on personal experience, and observation through literature. The answer? basically, everyone. Not everyone as in every person on the planet, but most all groups of social classes, cliques, ages, and other forms of communities all have at least some percent of their population that uses marijuana. Thought to be only used by teenagers and some young adults, marijuana is a use of all ages, and social classes. Yes, a lot of teenagers, (everywhere in our country, not just the big cities) have at least tried marijuana, however it is a drug used on college campuses, in the work place, and older citizens either retired or younger (30 to 60). I personally know at least ONE person from all of the categories I just listed, and chances are I'm not the only one, most studies show a great number of American citizens smoke marijuana, both legally and illegally.