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Q: What percentage of abused individuals grow up to be abusers?
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Where did the idea that an individual who is abused will grow up and be an abuser originate?

The idea that an individual who is abused will grow up to be an abuser originated from early psychological theories, such as Freud's psychoanalytic theory. Freud suggested that individuals who experienced abuse, particularly in childhood, may internalize the traumatic experiences and later perpetuate similar behavior. However, it is important to note that this idea is not universally true, as many individuals who have experienced abuse do not become abusers themselves.

What percentage of abused children grow up to be non-abusive parents -?


Do children who are abused grow up to be abusers?

Being smothered, doted upon, and spoiled are all forms of child abuse. Many of these children grow up to be abusive adults. "Can someone who was spoiled and over protected as a child become an abuser?" No. This is crazy. How in the world did you arrive at this one?

Why abused child will grow up to marry abused woman?

many people search for spouses with familiar or similar tendencies to their own parents

What is an example of resiliency?

There are millions of examples of resiliency. Children who are abused and grow up to be successful are considered resilient.

What percentage did x grow to y?

The percentage is 100 times [ y/x - 1] .

Why do people get abused?

because they are stupid. ^ why don't you grow up, you pathetic excuse for a person, people are getting abused and have miserable lives that they have no choice to live,there's people will love to live your life. count yourself lucky that you don't get abused yourself its a serious matter, people getting abused don't need sly comments like this, think its there fault that they get abused? you make me sick. you need to know how much this comment could affect people that actually get abused. maturity is what you need and a lot of it.

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no, not all pathogens need oxygen to grow. pathogens that grow without oxygen can occur in cooked rice, untreated garlic and oil mixtures, and temperature-abused baked potatoes.

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What are the results of child abuse?

For the Child there are many CONSEQUENCES including: Loose of weight, feeling left out, in search of affection in other unnecessary places like sex. For the Parents: You can and will most likely go to jail and if not one you should and two be fined, Parenting classes, child taken away, or the guilt of what you did could scar your child for life.

Can you be born abusive?

no not usually but if they have been abused themselves they can grow up to think that it is right because it happened to them and therefore they abuse others.

Did Oprah grow up in unusaul circumstances?

she srey up in a very bad home because her father sexually abused her