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Q: What percentage of accidents in construction are caused by slipstrips and falls?
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What percentages of car accidents are caused by smoking?

the percentage of car accidents caused by smoking is 76%

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39% of accidents are caused by alchocal.

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What percentage of accidents are caused by unsafe acts?

100 percent

What percentage does cellphones involve in car crashes?

Approximately 28% Of Car Accidents Caused By Texting

What percentage of car accidents are caused by texting while driving line forms acute and obtuse angles at the point of intersection?

there isnt relly a percentage

What is percentage of fatal accidents in California caused by drunk driving?

CHP maintains these statics. You might try there for info.

How many car accidents or percentage of car accidents are caused by either ice or black ice in the winter time?

ScienceDaily reported on June 1, 2008 that 24% of car accidents are due to ice, snow or rain.

What are the different causes of accidents?

Direct: Accidents that are caused by hazardous materials Indirect: Accidents caused by unsafe acts or conditions

About what percentage of vehicular collisions are due to drunk driving?

It is not really possible to know how many vehicle accidents are caused by drunk driving. A person could make an educated guess, but never know for sure how accurate it was. In order to do this, you would have to find out have many accidents are actually caused by a drunk driver and how many are caused by a sober driver. Remember, a lot of vehicle accidents do involve a drunk driver, but they are all not necessarily all caused by them.

What is the 5 main accidents caused by maual handling?

what are the 5 main accidents caused by manual handling

What are the five classification of accidents?

The five classifications of accidents are: Physical accidents - caused by a direct physical force or trauma Mechanical accidents - caused by equipment or machinery malfunction Chemical accidents - caused by exposure to hazardous chemicals or substances Biological accidents - caused by exposure to infectious agents Psychosocial accidents - caused by psychological factors such as stress or violence