it is physicly impossible for a woman to live over 80
95% of Americans live to be twelve.
forty-nine percent (49%)
Some of the animals in colombia is joe he is to much of a beast he is the hottest bestest guy in the whole world
live there
i live in colombia, and even crack is legal here.
no shakira lives in colombia not in cuba she lives in barranquilla colombia
any animal you find there
Bogota be
Bogota is in colombia theres also a bogota where I live in America.
The high valleys surrounding the modern cities of Bogotá and Tunja, in Colombia.
A nativity scene in Colombia is called a pesebre and may feature a town and its surrounding countryside and animals.
Colombia, or as it is officially called 'Republic of Colombia' is a Latin American country situated in the northwest corner of South America. It has an estimated population of about 47,425,437 individuals of which about 4.22% speak English either as a second or eve as a main language in some regions.