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ALL babys are born with blue eyes

however later in life the eye color can change

this depends on the color of the eyes of the baby's parents

i hope i could help...

Not True Not ALL babies are born with blue eyes, Most are born with blue eyes but African american babies are usually brown, And some caucasian babies are also born with dark brown eyes as my son was.

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Do even black babies have blue eyes when they're born?

No, not all babies have blue eyes when they are born. Some babies are born with very dark eyes.

Does black babies have blue eyes?

Yes, it is possible for black babies to be born with blue eyes. This can occur if both parents carry the gene for blue eyes. However, as the baby grows, the eye color can change due to the presence of other genes.

What colour are the babies eyes at birth?

Often, babies are born with blue eyes, which darken in the first few months of life.

Are all of first born babies' eyes the color blue?

no but they can be if some of your families eyes are.

Why are babies born with blue eyes?

Babies are born with blue eyes because the pigment melanin has not fully developed in their irises yet. As they grow, their eye color may change based on their genetic makeup.

What color are baby's eyes when ther born?

Babies can have any color eyes, and in some occasions they change color as the baby gets older. Ex. I was born with blue eyes and now my eyes are green. Most babies are born with blue eyes for some reason

Do white babies have blue eyes?

Usually, when children are born, their eyes aren't the natural color. Then when babies get 4 or 5 their eyes turn to the natural color.Examples:* When I was born, I had blue eyes, and I am a white american. But when I grew up, I ended up with brown eyes. * When my mom was born, she had brown eyes, and she is a white american. But when she grew up, she ended up with green eyes.

What color eyes babies have at birth?

When babies are born their eyes are slate gray to blue, the colour may change over the first year of life.

How can your mom have blue eyes when she was born and now she has green eyes?

Almost all babies have blue eyes the day they are born. Your mother's eye color probably began to change shortly after her birth.

Why are a babys eyes blue when first born?

Babies are born with blue eyes as the pigmentation in their eyes has not fully developed at birth. As they grow, the amount of melanin in their irises increases, which can change the color of their eyes to brown, green, or hazel.

What color will babies eyes be if mom has has green eyes and dad has blue eyes?

The babies will either have green or blue eyes. bg, bb, gb or gg :)

Can human babies have purple eyes?

My daughter was born with purple-violet eyes that turned grey-blue-yellow after about a week.