Most pro bodybuilders on stage have a "reported" bodyfat of anywhere from 3-5% Keep in mind you naturally store 2.5% of your body fat through out the brain so I think that these numbers may be a little exagerrated but I think some of them probbaly do get as low as 4.5% body fat for a show. The lowest I've ever gotten for a show was 5.9% They don't maintain that all the time though, the other times of the year that they aren't dieting for a show typically you can find most dedicated bodybuilders around 8-11 in the off season. Some guys like to really bulk up and may exceed that in an effort to put on weight and get stronger.
For outfield players (non-goal keepers), I would say less than 5%. The mean weight is probably around 165lbs, with the vast majority of players between 150 and 175 lbs.
can you please explain to me what pro-rata means regarding my holiday entitlement
The Xbox 360 Pro comes with a bigger Hard drive (GB). Also the Xbox 360 Pro usually comes with 2 games when you buy it. Please note that game play is the exact same between Xbox 360, Xbox 360 pro, And Xbox 360 elite.
let me have it
c is a pro-numeral
Well Depends On How Many Contest Won By That Bodybuiler, And What Placed They Earned.
19 percent
The percentage of college players going on to play pro softball is .002%.
It's hard to tell right now what is the percentage. Now, people pro-independence are the minority close to 5% of the population. People pro-statehood are close to 40-60%. People pro-commonwwalth close to 30-50%.
is fart
I didn't know any kids were pros!