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Q: What percentage of children are not fully protected in a vehicle?
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Is Niagara Falls protected?

the niagara falls is fully protected, it is protected by Alison Langley

How are snowy owls being protected?

They are fully protected from hunting, and at present their habitat is secure. Not true that they are "fully protected." In Alaska they can be hunted for food or clothing. They have limited protection.

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Is it legal in TN to kill a Golden Eagle?

No, they are fully protected.

Can you kill a hawk?

Not legally. They are all fully protected by laws.

If you file chapter 7 do you lose your 401k?

NO. Absolutely fully protected...

Do very young children and teenagers have the same percentage of muscle weight?

No, because when your a kid your muscles aren't fully developed as they would when your a teenager.

What percentage of WikiAnswers users are literate or have fully functional hands?

I think what you are looking for is the percentage of users who are literate AND have fully functional hands. 3%.

Can i get a viruse on YouTube?

Probably not. If your computer is fully protected it will tell you were you can get a viruse or not when your on that website.

Should bald eagle be controlled?

They are fully protected by law, but are no longer endangered.

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right click and go to prop