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Q: What percentage of copiers break from people sitting on them?
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Can you break your iphone by sitting on it?

No, not really

What is the percentage of people get depressed after their break ups?

i'd say almost everybody does, 95%.

Why do fat people break chairs?

Because they fart so often their farts break the chair they're sitting on causing them to fall on the floor unable to get back up

What percentage of friendships are lost over summer break?

No data on this. People lose friendship anytime.

Why do people need trolleys what are they used for?

Trolleys offer a way for people to travel from place to place in a city. They eliminate a lot of traffic and allow people a break from driving and sitting in traffic.

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What did the girl dressed in black sitting by Scrooge agree to?

To break off their engagement.

Does paper with ink become a non bio-degradable material?

Paper is always bio-degradable. Ink may or may not 'break down' when exposed to the elements. Copiers and laser printers actually create 'plastic' images on the paper which takes longer time to break down.

What percentage of people marry the person they have loved since they were preteens or teenagers?

Teenage love is very immature and largely governed by physical attraction.So, many people break up with their teenage flame.

Do copiers produce ozone?

Yes, copiers can produce ozone as a byproduct of their operation. This is especially common in older models that use certain types of toner and printing processes. Ozone emissions from copiers can contribute to indoor air pollution and may have health implications if not properly ventilated.

Why doesn't the egg break when a chicken sits on it?

Because, the chicken has special feathers. So, when the chicken sits on it, the egg doesn't break.

Can your boss deny you seating during your break?

No, unless sitting down would be hazardous to your health or safety. Then the boss ought to find you a safe place to take a break.