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According to the Divers Alert Network (DAN), a worldwide organization devoted to safe-diving research and promotion, less than 1% of divers fall victim to DCS

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Q: What percentage of divers are killed by DCS?
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What are other names for the bends?

Decompression sickness (DCS) is the medical condition also called divers' disease, the bends, or caisson disease.

Which is better scada or dcs?

dcs is better

What company created DCS?

DCS Copy Protection

What is DCS Europe's population?

The population of DCS Europe is 235.

When was DCS Europe created?

DCS Europe was created in 1994.

What is the basic difference between DCS and PLC?

DCS is advanced version of PLC and DCS works in real time frame while PLC not. There is no monitoring devices in PLC like DCS.

Full form of DCS in Instrumentation?

DCS : Distributed Control System

What was the percentage of patriots killed?

100% of patriots were killed

Can the child be cared for by grandparents if DCS takes them out of their parents home?

Yes, but DCS is usually not that cooperative.

When was Mitsubishi Research Institute DCS created?

Mitsubishi Research Institute DCS was created in 1970.

What is the population of Mitsubishi Research Institute DCS?

Mitsubishi Research Institute DCS's population is 1,800.

What different models of DCS gas grills are available?

I have found a complete list of the models. Please visit the link that I have provided.