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Just over three percent, 3.3 percent specifically, is the percentage of organic farms in the United Kingdom. The figure represents statistics from 2013, according to an article authored by Susanna Rustin for publication by The Guardian Saturday, March 14, 2015. The above-mentioned author states that most of the United Kingdom's organic farms can be found in southwest England and in Wales.

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Q: What percentage of farms in the United Kingdom are organic?
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What percentage of US farms are organic?

Approximately 2% of the total farms in the US are certified organic farms. Organic farming is a growing sector in the agriculture industry, but still represents a small portion of overall farm operations in the country.

How many farms in the United Kingdom are organic?

Three thousand seven hundred forty (3,740) is the number of organic farms in the United Kingdom. According to an article written by Susanna Rustin for The Guardian's issue of Saturday, March 14, 2015, the figure represents government statistics for 2013. Land being converted to organic farming shows a 24 percent decrease, land fully organic in production a 3.9 percent decrease, and the number of producers and processors of organic food a 6.4 percent decrease.

How many farms are you allowed to have in the united kingdom?

As many as you want to have, there are no restrictions.

Where is spelled still grown and harvested?

Spelt is a type of wheat, also called 'dinkel wheat' or 'hulled wheat'. Spelt declined in use during the 20th century, but has recently gotten more popular as an organic choice for food. It is grown in limited numbers throughout the United States, the United Kingdom, and Europe on organic, non-factory farms.

How are pests manage on organic farms?

by organic pesticides.

Where do organic potatoes come from?

Organic farms,from the soil!

Does the government fund organic farms differently than regular farms?

Yes, the government funds organic farms differently than they do non-organic farms. Organic farms need to fulfill certain requirements and pass regular inspections through governmental organic agriculture-supportive programs. The eligibility and funding requirements reflect different cultivation requirements and marketing systems.

What types of farms can you get?

Organic farms, commercial farms, "factory" farms, grain farms, ranches, chicken farms, pig farms, dairy farms, beef farms, bison ranches, etc.

How many farms in Kentucky are certified organic?

The National Organic Program database lists 114 certified organic operations based in Kentucky in 2010. About 10 of these are strictly organic processors; the rest are farms.

What is the kill rate at an organic farm?

Zero is the kill rate at an organic farm. Animals must not be slaughtered on organic farms in the United States of America. The U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Organic Program requires slaughter to take place at the nearest certified facility.

Do wind farms work in the United Kingdom?

Yes they do ! Since the UK is an island group, with an undulating landscape, there are many suitable places for wind farms. Many coastal areas have them, as to high, exposed places.

How many organic acres in the us?

According to the USDA 2008 Organic Production Survey, there were 4.1 million acres of farms and ranches in organic production, comprised of 14,540 individual farms. They were counting only those farms that were certified organic or were exempt from certification because their sales were less than $5,000US annually.