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Q: What percentage of garbage can be burned for fuel?
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What percentage of garbage can be burned as fuel?

Approximately 50-70% of garbage can be burned as fuel. This process is known as waste-to-energy incineration, where the heat generated from burning garbage is converted into electricity. However, burning garbage can also produce air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions.

What percentage of garbage can be burned as fuel 100 percent?

Typically, around 80-90% of garbage can be burned as fuel, while the remaining 10-20% consists of non-combustible materials or items that are not suitable for incineration. It's important to properly sort and process the waste before incineration to ensure efficient and safe burning.

Where garbage is burned?

It is called an incinerator.

How is waste be made into energy?

Waste is sometimes made into energy through the process of decay. As garbage decays, it releases gases. These gases are collected and burned for fuel.

Is the sun homogeneous?

No; the center is much denser, and hotter, than the outer layers. Also, the center has a higher percentage of helium - which means that more fuel (hydrogen) has been burned up already.No; the center is much denser, and hotter, than the outer layers. Also, the center has a higher percentage of helium - which means that more fuel (hydrogen) has been burned up already.No; the center is much denser, and hotter, than the outer layers. Also, the center has a higher percentage of helium - which means that more fuel (hydrogen) has been burned up already.No; the center is much denser, and hotter, than the outer layers. Also, the center has a higher percentage of helium - which means that more fuel (hydrogen) has been burned up already.

Where does the world's garbage go?

Some things are recycled, but most of the garbage is either burned or buried underground.

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When fuel is burned what does it leave?

When fuel is burned, it leaves behind byproducts such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and various pollutants like carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter.

Why is fuel burned in the power station?

Fuel is burned in power stations to generate heat, which is then used to produce steam. This steam drives turbines, which in turn spin generators to produce electricity. This process is the basis of most power generation plants around the world.

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What percentage of Canadian garbage ends in landfills?

Approximately 26% of Canadian household waste ends up in landfills. This percentage has been decreasing over the years as efforts to reduce, reuse, and recycle waste have increased.