1,867,689,025 student hates math
some kids like veggies a lot. others do not. You know i agree with her.
a lot
Kids don't necessarily entirely forget a certain percentage of what they learnedly information is still in there head, its just that its harder for them to conveniently remember it.
if by kids you mean teenagers the found this articles that describe the percentage of american teens that sned and receive text messages via cellphones 87% of American Teen send and receive text
he doesn't hate kids
NO!! why would she hate kids?
There are no scientific studies on this, so there are no accurate figures
We Hate the Kids was created in 2006-07.
no Mickie James doesn't hate kids. And besides why did you ask that question? why Mickie ever hate on kids?
I am a kid myself so i am a pro 1.kids hate to do more work than they can do 2.kids hate to be yelled at or yelling at a person /object 3. kids hate to be disturbed when they are enjoying something 4.and that whole kids hate veggies thing is a stereo type most kids including me love veggies
The verb forms of hatred are hate, hates and hated.Some example sentences are:"I hate spiders"."She hates spinach"."She hated the colour of the bathroom".
None, except repel kids...
no. it is not bad to hate kids, kids can get on your nerves sometimes and you just feel like strangeling them but NEVER act on hurting a child ok it's alright to hate them but never abuse kids
Yes, Bella Thorne does hate kids and kids hate Bella Thorne. I think everyone hates Bella Thorne. If I saw her, I would whip a large rock at her face.