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Sickle Cell Disease can be found in patients of any nationality or decent. Both parents must carry the recessive gene for this disease, and only then their offspring have a 25% chance of inheriting the disease. Those of African decent have approximately an 8% chance of inheriting the disease, Hispanics have about a 0.07% chance of inheriting the disease, and whites have roughly a 0.001% chance of inheriting the disease.

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Q: What percentage of patients with Sickle Cell Disease is not of African decent?
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What does 583 on gold stand for?

583 gold is 14 KT but the europeans Use 585 as the 14KT mark You will find 583 on soviet gold which is 14KT Soviet gold is stamped with a Hammer and sickle and some cyrillic underneath It has the sign of the hammer and sickle and the 583 near to it. This is the system stalin used in the time he ruled Soviet Russia The British gold office say that 585 is 14 karat when if you use the correct mathmatical equation you will find that 14 KT is actually nearer to stalins Soviet Gold Soviet gold Is Not Russian Gold just so you know folks

What rhymes with semi circle?

Terkel, Biracial, Birk-el, Buckle, Merrel, Perceval, Pickle, Sternal, Turtle, Sickle, Pistol, Fertile, Castle, Urkel, Mental, Physical, Chemical, Elemental, Metaphorical, Lyrical, Missile, Identical, Instrumental, Channel, Vandal, Sandal, Whipple, Ripple, Testical, Demonstrable, Admissible, Syllable, (In)Visible, Urinal, Uriel, Arial, Legal, Commercial, Purple, Burnable, Personable, Pardonable, Hannibal, Cannibal, Animal, Material, Thinkable, Knowledgeable, Full, Topple, Thermal, Breakable, Table, Chuckle, Pummel, Lovable~ That's all I can think of.

What is the definition of acute cholocystolithiasis?

Cholelithiasis refers to the formation of rock-like crystalline deposits (gallstones or biliary calculi) in the gallbladder. Development is insidious and may remain asymptomatic for years. The major component of most (approximately 85%) gallstones is cholesterol (cholesterol-predominant or "mixed" gallstones also containing calcium salts). These occur either as a solitary stone or multiple stones of varying sizes. Others stones (approximately 15%) are composed solely of calcium salts (calcium carbonate, calcium bilirubinate) or crystallized bile pigments (bilirubin). Pigment stones are more common in Asian than in Western populations. The gallbladder stores bile, a fluid that is produced in the liver to aid in the digestion of fats. Normal bile is sterile and contains a high level of cholesterol, which usually remains in liquid form. When the bile contains too much cholesterol and/or levels of cholesterol and lecithin are imbalanced, the bile becomes supersaturated. When this occurs, solid crystals of cholesterol and calcium salts form and settle out of the liquid bile creating sludge or gallstones. Other causes of cholelithiasis include production of bile that contains inadequate amounts of certain chemicals (phospholipids or bile acids) or blockage of the ducts carrying bile from the gallbladder to the intestine (biliary stasis). Obstruction can also lead to colonization of bile with bacteria, resulting in infection. Individuals with high heme turn over (e.g., cirrhosis, hemoglobinopathies including sickle cell disease, thalassemia, spherocytosis) are predisposed to bilirubin stones. United Nations Farms

What does low osmotic fragility means?

Osmotic fragility usually (unless otherwise mentioned) refers to the ease with which Red Blood Cells (RBCs) undergo lysis in a hypotonic solution. Before knowing what 'low osmotic fragility' means, one should know the concept of osmotic fragility. Different parameters, some of them related to the RBC and some of the extracellular environment have an effect on osmotic fragility. Low osmotic fragility means that the RBCs have a resistance against undergoing lysis when suspended in solutions which are hypotonic. They undergo lysis only if the solution is extremely hypotonic. In contrast, high osmotic fragility refers to the tendency of the RBCs to lyse even if the solution in which they are suspended in is mildly hypotonic. As an example for low osmotic fragility would be thalassemia. And as an example for high osmotic fragility, spherocytosis (a hereditary condition where the RBCs lose their usual biconcave structure and become spherical) causes increased osmotic fragility. i.e, It very easily lyses even at solutions which are mildly hypotonic... p.s Another interesting point to note is that in sickle cell anemia, the RBCs show increased mechanical fragility but decreased osmotic fragility. Elucidated by the fact that post-splenectomy the RBC lifespan increases.

Does the Bible say that humans will become extinct and the Bible will disappear?

No, many people feel that the Bible does not say that humans will become extinct. Their indepth study of the scriptures indicate that God created mankind to live forever (Genesis 1:28, Genesis 2:17), and he created the earth "to be inhabited"(Isaiah 45:18) and that purpose hasn't changed (Matthew 6:9, 10)(John 17:3). Therefore, the promise is that the earth will last forever(Psalm 104:5,Psalm 115:16; Ecclesiastes 1:4)and mankind will last forever on it(Psalm 37:10, 11, 29, Matthew 5:5, Revelation 21:3+4, Isaiah 65:21-25, Revelation 5:10) as God originally intended.(Genesis 1:27-28)(Isaiah 55:11)Another view:If you jump to the end of the Book, you can see how it all ends -- with a "new beginning."God's present plan is revealed to us through His "seven annual Holy Day" observances... of which most of the world remains ignorant. But, the last one each year is the "Last Great Day" which is the "eighth day" after the "seven day" Feast of Tabernacles [Lev.23:36] in the fall of the year at "harvest" time."...Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe." (Rev.14:15)The Feast of Tabernacles pictures Christ's thousand year rule on earth over the mortal nations of man, followed by the Last Great Day -- JUDGMENT DAY.This is prophesied in Revelation 20. Judgment Day will conclude with all of those whom God saves being changed into the immortal Children of God, and all the wicked changed to "ashes" in the Lake of Fire."For, behold, the Day cometh, that shall burn as an oven. and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the Day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of Hosts... and ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the Day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of Hosts." (Malachi 4:1-3)On the heels of Judgment Day, we see the earth "remade" again [Rev.21]... with the very THRONE OF GOD THE FATHER IN HEAVEN DESCENDING UPON THE NEW EARTH.God the Father shall "TAKE UP RESIDENCE ON THE NEW EARTH" with His new Family -- His Children -- the FAMILY OF GOD."...Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God."...Behold, I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW. And He said unto me, Write: for THESE WORDS ARE TRUE AND FAITHFUL." (Rev.21:3-5)"He that overcometh SHALL INHERIT ALL THINGS [the universe]; and I WILL BE HIS GOD, and HE SHALL BE MY SON." (verse 7)MORTAL HUMANS WILL INDEED BECOME EXTINCT. They will be changed into the Immortal Children of God."Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep [die], but WE SHALL ALL BE CHANGED, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump... for this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality... then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory... thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." (I Cor.15:51-57)The Bible, however, will never disappear. By that time... He will write it in the hearts of all of His Children."For this is the covenant that I will make with the House of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put My laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to Me a people: and they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for ALL SHALL KNOW ME, from the least to the greatest."For I WILL BE MERCIFUL TO THEIR UNRIGHTEOUSNESS, and THEIR SINS and THEIR INIQUITIES WILL I REMEMBER NO MORE." (Heb.8:10-12)The new immortal Family of God... beginning anew... will inherit the universe with their "Big Brother," Jesus Christ:"The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that WE ARE THE CHILDREN OF GOD: and if Children, then Heirs; Heirs of God, and JOINT-HEIRS WITH CHRIST; if so be that we suffer with Him, that WE MAY BE ALSO GLORIFIED TOGETHER. For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the GLORY WHICH SHALL BE REVEALED IN US." (Rom.8:16-18)So, yes... mortal humans will disappear. But the LIVING Word of God will endure within the hearts and minds of God's immortal Family.This ending hasn't changed since it was written... but either most people never seem to make it to the end of the Book to know and understand how things will turn out -- or they just don't believe it. But, there it is.

Related questions

What can you do to prevent your chances of getting sickle cell disease?

Sickle cell can not be "caught". It is an inherited genetic disease and is only in the African American community.

What words are involved with sickle cell disease?

Not containing enough Red blood cells. From African and Indian decent. Sickle cell disease is a defective hemoglobin.

What groups get sickle cell disease?

A person can only inherit sickle-cell genes if some of their ancestors came from certain regions in Africa where the inhabitants carry sickle-cell genes. A person with one sickle-cell gene has sickle-cell trait, a milder problem. If both father and mother pass on sickle-cell genes, the child, with two genes, will have sickle-cell disease.

What type of anemia is a genetic disease typically found among people of African descent?

the disease is sickle cell

Why do African Americans get affected by sickle cell anemia?

Sickle cell anemia is a gentic disease carried by people of African and sometimes Indian decent. Although both parents need to at least carry the gene for their children to get it not necessarily have the disease.

What are the two mechanisms that contribute to anemia in patients with sickle cell disease?

hemolytic anemia and bone marrow

Top 10 questions asked about sickle cell?

What is sickle cell disease?Sickle cell disease is an inherited disorder that affects red blood cells. People with sickle cell disease have red blood cells that become hard and pointed instead of soft and round. Sickle cells cause anemia, pain and many other problems.Top2) What is sickle cell trait?If you have sickle cell trait, you have inherited the gene for sickle cell disease. Sickle cell trait does not turn into sickle cell disease. If someone has sickle cell trait and his partner has sickle cell trait they may produce a child with sickle cell disease. There are about 2.5 million people in America with sickle cell trait.Top3) If sickle cell trait is not an illness, why are people tested?Babies are tested to see if they have sickle cell disease. Teens and adults are tested mainly to see if they can have a baby with the disease.Top4) What medical problems are caused by sickle cell disease?Lung tissue damage, pain episodes and stroke. The blockage of blood flow caused by sickled cells also causes damage to most organs including the spleen, kidneys and liver.Top5) How many people have sickle cell disease?Sickle cell disease is a global health problem. In the United States it is estimated that over 70,000 people have sickle cell disease. About 1,000 babies are born with the disease each year in America.Top6) How long does a person with sickle cell disease live?The average life expectancy in America has improved. It is now in the mid 40 years of age range.Top7) Are people of African descent the only group affected?No. It is also present in Portuguese, Spanish, French Corsicans, Sardinians, Sicilians, mainland Italians, Greeks, Turks and Cypriots. Sickle cell disease also appears in Middle Eastern countries and Asia.Top8) Is there a cure?There is no universal cure for sickle cell disease. Research in gene therapy, the ultimate universal cure, is currently underway.Top9) What are some promising treatment developments?The use of hydroxyurea has shown promising results on some adult sickle cell patients. It reduces the frequency of severe pain, acute chest syndrome and the need for blood transfusions.Top10) Can people with sickle cell disease live a productive life?Yes. But like all patients with chronic disease, sickle cell patients are best managed in a comprehensive multi-disciplinary program of care and a strong extended support system.

What is a normal Reticulocyte Count in sickle cell patients?

In sickle cell patients, a normal reticulocyte count is typically elevated due to the body's response to chronic hemolysis. The normal range for reticulocyte count in sickle cell patients is usually higher than in individuals without the disease, often ranging from 3% to 6%.

What is the serious hereditary blood disease found most commonly in African-Americans?

Sickle cell anemia

How may priapism be prevented?

An antineoplastic drug (hydroxyurea) may prevent future episodes of priapism for patients with sickle cell disease.

It's estimated that 1 in 12 African-Americans carries the gene for what blood disease?

Sickle cell anemia

What type of anemia is a genetic disease commonly found among people of African descent?

Sickle cell anemia.