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What is the percentage required relative to:

  • Roman Catholics in the world?
  • Total population of Rome?
  • Christian population of Rome?
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Q: What percentage of roman catholics are in Rome?
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What percentage of West Africa are Roman Catholics?

90 %

How many christians and Catholics in Italy?

The average percentage of Italians as Roman Catholics id about 96%

What continent has the largest percentage of Roman Catholics?

South America

Who were the Roman Catholics?

Technically, the only 'Roman Catholics' are Catholics who live within the Diocese of Rome. Everyone else is just a 'Catholic.' The term 'Roman Catholic' developed following the Protestant Revolt, mainly in England, and was used to distinguish between members of the Church of England who, mistakenly, thought they were still true Catholics and the Catholics who remained loyal to the pope. The Catholic Church never uses the term. There are simply Catholics and non-Catholics. If you are in union with the pope in Rome, you are a Catholic. If you are not in union with the pope, you are NOT a Catholic. It is as simple as that.

Do Mexican Roman Catholics believe differently than Roman Catholics?

Roman Catholic AnswerNo, although different cultures, and different times have different emphasises and cultural traditions, all Catholics believe in the same thing and are united under the Holy Father in Rome.

Where are Roman Catholics based?

The State of Vatican City, a small country inside Rome Italy.

What is the name for the papal court of Roman Catholics?

The Roman Curia (sometimes anglicized as the Court of Rome) Also known as the Holy See

Why are Northern Irish Catholics encouraged to have at least 10 children by the Church of Rome?

Roman Catholic AnswerNorthern Irish Catholics are not encouraged to have any specific number of children by the Church. It is not the "Church of Rome", is the Catholic Church, whose headquarters are in Rome.

Are all Catholics Roman Catholics?

Catholic AnswerNo, Roman Catholics are Catholics who live in Rome. All Roman Catholics are Catholics, but all Catholics do not live in Rome. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church at the Vatican. .AnswerAll Catholics are Roman Catholics as the head is in Vatican in Rome. The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, is the world's largest Christian church, with more than one billion members worldwide. It is among the oldest institutions in the world and has played a prominent role in the history of Western civilization. The Catholic hierarchy is led by the Pope and includes cardinals, patriarchs and diocesan bishops. The Church teaches that it is the one true Church founded by Jesus Christ, that its bishops are the successors of Christ's apostles and that the Pope is the sole successor to Saint Peter.

Do Ukrainian Catholics celebrate mass like Roman Catholics?

Roman Catholic AnswerUkranian Catholics ARE Roman Catholics, so NO, they Mass if not like Roman Catholics it is Roman Catholic.

What is the Percentage of men and women in roman catholics?

I can tell you where to go to ask "anything 'Catholic: