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Q: What percentage of the people in the US use ground water for drinking and household usage?
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What percentage of the people in the US ground water for drinking and household usage?

atleast 50%

What percentage of people in the US use ground water for drinking and household use?

atleast 50%

What percentage of the people in the United states use ground water for drinking and household usage?


What are aquifers and how people utilize them?

They are rocks in the ground that filter water, and you use them by drinking from them!

What percentage of people have acces to safe drinking water in Australia?

99% of Australians have access to clean drinking water.

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Most people spend around 60% of their income in household expenses. The expenses include things such as mortgage, utilities and food items.

How many people in the US use ground water?

i think the percentage is about 25%

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The states with the highest percentage of people employed in this industry were North Carolina, Mississippi, Tennessee, and California.

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Well in Haiti we only have 20% of computer use for people in cyber-cafe

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75% of people have access to and use a vehicle of these a further 31% have more than one in the household

Why is protecting ground water from pollutions important?

It is important to keep the groundwater from pollution because it is a good source of drinking water for people. Plants, animals, and people all depend on having clean drinking water.

What percentage of people have access to clean water in London?

Approximately 99.95% of people in London have access to clean drinking water which meets the national standards for quality. This high amount of coverage ensures that the vast majority of residents in London have safe and healthy water for drinking and other daily needs.