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Q: What percentage of the people voted in 2012?
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What percentage of welfare recipients voted in 2012?

Around 48% of welfare recipients voted in the 2012 presidential election.

How many people voted 2012?

Brack Obama got 37% voted from people and Mitt Romey got 40% voted from people+

How many people voted now?

Over 2.0 voted this year .2012

How many people voted in 2012?

55% of people voted in the 2011 state election.

What percentage of people voted in 1870?

over 2.1 billon

What is split percentage?

A split percentage is when the percentage is divided into two or more percentages. For example, if a survey of 10 people was conducted and six people voted one way, and four people voted another, it would be 60% to 40% or a 60/40 split.

What percentage of people voted in 1787?

less than 1.3 percent of the population

What is the percentage of gay people who voted for obama?

That statistic was never measured by anyone.

How many people voted in the 2012 Iowa caucus?

Approximately 121,503 people participated in the 2012 Iowa Caucus.

What percentage of Latinos voted for Obama in 2012?

Exit polls indicates the Hispanic favored Obama over Romney by a margin of 71% to 27%.

What is the race percentage of votes for each presidential candidate in 1800?

There was no race. Congress voted for the president, not the people .

What percentage of the electors voted for Washington as first president?

100% of the electors voted for Washington.