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Q: What percentage of water loss would result in heat cramps?
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Is it true that if you eat as soon as you finish lay in could water would you get cramps in your stomach

Anyone know what helps cramps?

Cramps are a result of a lack of minerals in your diet. Personally I would suggest eating foods that are rich in calcium and magnesium, as the lack of these nutrients causes cramps. If this does not help then start taking calcium and magnesium tablets to further increase your supply. Another good idea would be to increase the amount of water you drink on a daily basis, as you are quite active partial dehydration could also be a cause. To deal with cramps quickly and on the spot, stretch through the pain or apply heating if possible.

How do you find a percentage?

To find the percentage of one number you divide the numbers then multiply the answer by 100. For an example, if you want to find the percentage of four that the number three is you divide three by four and then multiply the result ,which is 0.75, by 100 and your result or percentage would be 75%!

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no. If you drank this would you get stomach cramps and diarrhea

What grade is 102 out of 260 points?

If you want that as a percentage, you need to divide 102 by 260, then multiply the result by 100 to convert the result to a percentage.

Can Alcohol cause leg cramps?

I do not know the medical reason for it -- but my mother developed an allergy to alcohol and if she had the smallest amount she would have terrible cramps. I seem to be developing the same thing. Even a half a glass of wine will cause me to have cramps. I would like to understand the cause as well.

If a test is woth 30 percent and the result was 31 out of a possible 50 what is the total percentage score?

Total percentage score would be 62 %

Is quinine the active ingredient in tonic water to alleviate leg cramps?

I have always fond it a great way of getting almost instant relief from cramps. Just have a big drink of tonic water made with quinine and the cramp goes. It would be a good idea to find out why you are getting the cramps however. simply taking a mineral supplement or a sports drink prior to or after strenuous exercise can often stop cramps from happening in the first place.

Could a heating blanket cause leg cramps at night?

A heating pad can be used to help with the leg cramps, not usually causing them. There is lots of information on the internet about leg cramps. A few things to try would be some simple stretching and exercises before bed and drink lots of water.

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Water Freezing

Would result in a decrease in entropy?

water freezing

How do you stop foot cramps?

By massaging the foot continuously and trying to walk normally The foot eventually would lose the feeling of numbness and it would be over. Eat lots of bananas! I read that they help prevent foot cramps. NOTE!!!!!! BANANAS PREVENT FOOT CRAMPS NOT CURE THEM