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Q: What persent of rian fall happens in the southeast riegon?
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When did southeast Asia fall?


What is southeast Asia's climate?

Southeast Asia has a tropical climate year round. It is usually hot, humid, and has plenty of rain fall.

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What happens to the dead leaves that fall to the ground?

Dead leaves that fall to the ground undergo the process of decomposition. They are broken down by decomposers such as fungi, bacteria, and other organisms, which recycle the nutrients back into the soil. This helps enrich the soil and provides nutrients for new plant growth.

How do I fall in love?

It just happens when it happens, be patient.

How could an economic crisis in Southeast Asia cause the price you pay for gasoline to fall?

1. How could an economic crisis in Southeast Asia cause the price you pay for gasoline to <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> fall?

What happens to streams and rivers at the fall line?

Water fall

How do you fall for a girl?

It just happens, there's no right or wrong way to fall for a girl. When it happens, you'll know. :)

Is it true that the indians of the Southeast held a Green Bean Ceremony in late summer?

they didnt they held it in the fall

What type of air mass forms off the southeast coast of the us?

The air mass that forms off the southeast coast of the US is known as a maritime tropical air mass. It originates from the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, bringing warm and moist conditions to the region.

What happens when you fall?

You get hurt

What happens when you fall over?

you get broken