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Q: What piece of equipment would be best for measuring a marble?
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What pieces of equipment would be most appropriate for measuring the volume of a marble?

A graduated cylinder or a beaker with volume markings would be appropriate for measuring the volume of a marble. Simply add water to the cylinder or beaker, record the initial volume, then carefully drop the marble in and record the new volume to calculate the volume of the marble.

What is the most appropriate piece of equipment to accurately measure 85 mL of water?

A graduated cylinder would be the most appropriate piece of equipment to accurately measure 85 mL of water. It has precise markings that allow for accurate measurement of liquid volumes.

Is there a antonym for equipment?

Basically anything you can think of that would undo or damage what a piece of equipment would do would be an antonym for equipment

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If a student needed to obtain 8.0 ml of a liquid for an experiment the appropriate piece of laboratory equipment would be?

A graduated cylinder or a micropipette would be appropriate laboratory equipment for measuring out 8.0 ml of liquid accurately.

Which piece of equipment is most accurate for measuring 75cm3 of water?

A graduated cylinder with a capacity of at least 75cm3 would be the most accurate for measuring 75cm3 of water. This is because graduated cylinders are designed for precise volume measurements and have markings that allow for accurate readings.

What peice of equipment would be used to measure a room?

A measuring tape.

How much would a piece of marble 24 inches x 14 inches cost?

500 dollars

What equipment would you use to measure 100 meters?

Depends on the required accuracy. > Find your average pace, and pace it out. Use a measuring wheel. Use a tape measure. Use laser measuring equipment.

Which unit would be best for measuring the weight of a marble?

Mass is measured in kilograms. Weight is measured in newtons. If you are asking which unit to choose to measure then mass of a marble, then you need to use the submultiple of the kilogram, the gram.

What would be a Prefixes would be best for measuring small objects like the width of a piece of paper?


What prefixes would be best to use when measuring the width of a piece of notebook paper?
