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The answer depends on the size of the cube: it could be a micrometre, vernier callipers, a ruler, a tape measure.

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Q: What piece of scientific equipment is used to measure the volume of a cube regular shaped?
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How do you calculate density of a regular shaped object?

To calculate the density of a regular shaped object, you need to measure its mass and volume. The density is then calculated by dividing the mass of the object by its volume. The formula for density is: density = mass / volume.

How do you find the density of regular and irregular shaped objects?

To find the density of a regular shaped object, you can calculate it by dividing the mass of the object by its volume. For irregular shaped objects, you would measure the mass of the object using a scale, then measure its displaced water volume when submerged in a graduated cylinder. The density can then be calculated by dividing the mass by the volume of water displaced.

Is a octagon regular or irregular?

Octagons can be irregular or regular. It depends on the measure of the angles and the length of a side. An octagon is a shape with 8 sides, not necessarily the regular octagon that stop signs are shaped like.

What lab equipment is needed to find the density of an irregular shaped object?

To find the density of an irregular shaped object, you would need a balance to measure its mass, a graduated cylinder to measure its volume by displacement method, and a ruler to measure its dimensions for calculations.

How do you calculate the density of both an irregular and regular shaped floating object?

To calculate the density of an irregular shaped floating object, you can measure its mass using a balance and then find its volume by submerging it in a known volume of water and measuring the water displaced. For a regular shaped floating object, you can simply divide its mass by its volume to find the density.

How can we measure volume?

Volume can be measured in various ways depending on the object being measured. For regular-shaped objects, volume can be calculated using mathematical formulas based on dimensions such as length, width, and height. For irregular-shaped objects, volume can be measured by displacement, where the object is submerged in a liquid and the volume of liquid displaced is measured. Specialized equipment like graduated cylinders, beakers, or volumetric flasks can also be used to directly measure liquid volumes.

How do you measure the volume of an object?

If its regular (geometric shaped) you could just measure it with a ruler using the formula for the shape in question. Irregular shaped objects can be submerged in water. The difference in the water level before and after submersion equals the volume of the object.length X width X height

What is the difference between an irregular-shaped object and a regular- shaped object?

I am not positive but i think that a regular shaped object can be measured and an irregular can not Hope this helps :D

What is the instrument used to measure the volume of a regular shaped object?

A graduated cylinder or beaker is typically used to measure the volume of a regular shaped object by filling it with water and measuring the change in volume. The difference in water level before and after submerging the object gives the volume.

How do you measure the volume of a regular shaped solid?

To measure the volume of a regular shaped solid, you can use a formula specific to the shape you are working with. For example, for a cube, you would measure the length of one side and then use the formula Volume = side length^3. For a cylinder, the formula is Volume = πr^2h, where r is the radius and h is the height. Simply plug in the appropriate values to calculate the volume.

Why is a regular shape shaped cubic?

A cube.

Can you use a balance to measure the volume irregularly shaped solid?

yes you can use a balance to measure the volume of an irregular shaped solid.