Twelve inches of rain is one foot of rain
Sachin Tendulkar
The word rain has one syllable.
Yes, the word "rain" has two syllables: "rain" (1 syllable) and "ing" (1 syllable).
One hundredth
one of the most is forks Washington
noneAfrica is a VERY large place. Parts of it are rain forest, parts of it are desert. There is no one place, no one answer.
There are more than one rain forest. For there is some in Hawai'i. While there is some other rain forests in South America and Asia. There are few rain forest in the world, but they are not all in one place.
Generally rain clouds are not big enough to cover a whole country at one time. So it doesn't rain every where at the same time. There are other factors involved in producing rain eg the topography, the season.
Tropical northern Australia has a huge rainfall in summer.Bellenden Ker in Far North Queensland has an average of 380 inch but it can peak at over 500. That's what you call rain.
There are more than one rain forest. For there is some in Hawai'i. While there is some other rain forests in South America and Asia. There are few rain forest in the world, but they are not all in one place.
Hawaii. The rainfall there isn't all over the state, but there is one place on the island of Kauai that is actually the wettest place on the entire planet.
Borneo is one place.
Therewasn't any rain coming down so apparently there wasn't any rain one day we finally had rain.
It can be considered a significant amount of rain depending on the context. In general, 20mm of rain in one day is considered a moderate amount for most regions, but it may be considered a lot in areas that typically receive lower amounts of rainfall.