The value of 8 in 860,490 is eight hundred thousand (800000).
The 8 has a place value of tenths in 15.8.
The face value of the 8 in 680735 is 8. The place value is eight ten-thousands.
in this number 8 is in place with a value of 100 thousand
8 is in ones place.
The value of 8 in 860,490 is eight hundred thousand (800000).
In the number 17.38, the 8 is in the hundredths place value. Each digit's place value is determined by its position relative to the decimal point. Moving from right to left, the first digit after the decimal point is in the tenths place, and the second digit after the decimal point is in the hundredths place. So, in 17.38, the 8 has a place value of hundredths.
The 8 has a place value of tenths in 15.8.
The face value of the 8 in 680735 is 8. The place value is eight ten-thousands.
8/10 in the tenths place
The place value of the 8 in this number is thousands.
Its positional place value is 8/10 = eight tenths
in this number 8 is in place with a value of 100 thousand
The 8 is in the tens place.
8 is in hundreds place
8 is in tenths place.
The 8 is in the tens place.