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point B lies in plane U
Is true
The answer is g = 9.
The chord of Em contains the notes E, G, and B. The scale of E minor contains the notes E, F♯, G, A, B, C, and D.
It contains one sharp: F.
point B lies in plane U
Is true
Is true
* dorian - d ef g a bc d * phrygian -ef g a bc d e* lydian - f g a bc d ef* mixolydian - g a bc d ef g
Is true
please tell me why are these letter place in this order and above and below the line a ef hi _______________ bcd g j
you play Miley Cyrus 'the climb' like this: g# g# g# beb g#g#b f# e b c#c#c#bbaaa eebc#b g#g#g#beb g#g#g#bf#e c#c#c#bba c#c#bba bg# ef#g#g# eebg#ef#e (chorus) g#g#g#f#f#ef#eeb g#g#g#f#f#ef#eg# g#g#g#f#f#ef#eeb g#g#f#f#ef#g#g# g#g#g#f#f#eeb g#g#g#f#f#eeef#g#g# ag#g#f#e g#g#beb g#g#g#bf#e c#c#bbaaa eebc#b g#g#g#bf#ee c#c#c#baaa eeebc#b bg# eef#g#g# this is just the first part
E F#G DBA GEEEEF#G EF#G DBA GABCBAG (Lower) GBBBBBBA GGGAAAGA GBBBBDED BGAAAGA AA DD AA EEDEDEF#GF#F# AA DD AA EE(hold) DEF#G EF#G DBA GEEEEF#G EF#G DBA GABCBAGAG DBABG DBG EF#G DBA (Lower) GCCBCCBCBG Play it how the words would fit, so hold when it holds and pause when it pauses.
There is not enough information to answer the question. For example, it is not even known if E, F and G are vertices of a triangle, three points on the same straight line, three points on the circumference of a circle or some exotic shape.
To play the UK national anthem on the piano use the notes,F D Bflat D F Bflat D C Bflat D E F F F D C B flat A G A Bf Bf F D Bf D D D Ef F F Ef D C D Ef Ef.
G: good VG: very good F: fine VF: very fine EF: extremely fine AU: almost uncirculatedMS: mint condition