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Q: What plane shape is used to make a cube?
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A shape with twelve edges?

Is called a Dodecagon. * * * * * A dodecagon is a 2-dimensional (plane) shape with 12 SIDES. The term EDGES is normally used in the context of 3-dimensional objects. One such shape is a parallelopiped. A cube is a special case of a parallelopiped. In 3-D, a parallelopiped is to a cube what, in 2-D, a parallelogram is to a square.

Which of these cannot be used to name the shape of one face of a cube?

A triangle.

What is the area of a 42 cm perimeter cube?

That depends how you define the perimeter for a cube. The term perimeter is usually used for plane figures, not for 3D solids.

What is a basic design element in a tessellation?

The work "tessellation" is derived from a tessella, a small cuboid clay tile which was used to make mosaics. In the context of tessellation, as the term is used in modern geometry, the basic element is a plane shape such that multiple copies of the shape will cover a plane without gaps or overlaps.

What shapes are used to make a cube?


How surface area and volume of solid cube shape is used in your daily life?

In my daily life, I have no use for the surface area and or volume of a cube. None whatsoever.

Where is the vertical stabliser used in airplane?

it is used at the tail end of plane which is used for to make the plane turn

What geometric figure are used to make a cube?

A square

What is a cubic die?

A cubic die is a die in the form of a cube - the shape used for a six-faced die.

What substances are used to make a Rubik's Cube easier to use?

petroleum jelly, stick inside the cube

Is a cube a solid Or is a square a solid?

both are solid.Cube is 3D while square is 2D.cube is used to describe solid shape in 3Dwhile square is used to describe the shape of the surface which is only 2D

What are nets used for in maths?

To show what a 3-D shape looks like when it is open. An open net of a cube for example; has all the parts of the cube except the lid. A closed net of a cube for example; has all the parts of the cube including the lid.