

Best Answer

der r no many trees in cities try for banana nd coconut tree if u want 2 jus c it

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Q: What plants with parallel venation and which you get in the cities?
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Definition of parallel venation?

Parallel venation is the term used to describe the arrangement of leaf veins in monocotyledonous plants. The veins are arranged parallel to each other, thus parallel venation (as opposed to the branched or net venation of dicotyledonous plants)

What is parallel and reticulate venation in leaves?

when the veins in plants run parallel to each other.This is called parallel venation

What is parellal venation?

Parallel venation is a type of leaf venation where the veins run roughly parallel to each other, such as in grasses and lilies. This venation pattern helps in efficient transport of water and nutrients throughout the leaf.

What is parellism?

Parallel venation is the term used to describe the arrangement of leaf veins in monocotyledonous plants. The veins are arranged parallel to each other, thus parallel venation (as opposed to the branched or net venation of dicotyledonous plants)

Which dicot plants have a parallel venation?

Dicot plants with parallel venation include members of the family Lauraceae (such as avocado and cinnamon) and some members of the genus Cinnamomum. These plants have parallel veins running along the length of their leaves instead of a branching network.

Do mustard plants have parallel venation in their leaves?


What are the different types of venation in plant leaf?

The main types of venation in plant leaves are parallel venation, where the veins run parallel to each other, and reticulate venation, where the veins form a branching network. Additionally, palmate venation is seen in leaves with several main veins radiating outward from a single point, while pinnate venation features one main central vein with smaller veins branching from it.

Do gram leaves have parallel or reticulate venation?

the venation of the plant mostly depend on the roots if a plant has fibrous roots the venation will be parallel, but if the plant has tap root the venation will bereticulate and since gram has tap root it maybe having reticulate venation.

What type of venation does grass have?

parallel venation

What is venation of a papaya?

Parallel venation

Does the lily have rectilinear venation or parallel venation?

Lilies typically have parallel venation in their leaves, where the veins run parallel to each other from the base to the tip of the leaf. This is characteristic of monocotyledonous plants like lilies.

Do pumpkin have parallel venation?

No, pumpkin leaves have palmate venation, where the veins radiate outwards from a central point. This is different from parallel venation, where the veins run parallel to each other along the length of the leaf.