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Squares and rectangles

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Q: What polygons that have both perpendicular and parallel sides?
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Is a square parallel or perpendicular?

In a square adjacent sides are perpendicular to each other and opposite sides are parallel to each other.

What figure has perpendicular side?

A single side cannot be perpendicular on its own. Two sides are perpendicular if they intersect at a 90 degree angle. There are many polygons, both regular and irregular, that can have perpendicular sides.

What figure has their sides both parallel and perpendicular?

squares and rectangles

Is a rhombus parallel or perpendicular or neither or both?

A rhombus has opposite equal parallel sides

Is an rectangle parellel or perpendicular?

Shapes are not parallel or perpendicular. Lines are.Every side of a rectangle is parallel to the side opposite it,and perpendicular to both of the sides next to it.

Does a paralleogram have to hava both parallel and perpendicular sides?

No. The only conditions to quality as a parallelogram is that it is a quadrilateral, and that opposite sides are parallel.

A quadrilateral having both diagonals congruent is a?

If both pairs of opposite sides are parallel: A Rectangle, or a Square. If exactly one pair of opposite sides are parallel: An Isosceles Trapezoid. If it does not have parallel sides and one diagonal is the perpendicular bisector of the other: A Kite It is also possible that it does not have any parallel sides and neither diagonal is the perpendicular bisector of the other: A quadrilateral

Which figure has both parallel and perpendicular sides an octagon parallelogram rhombus or a rectangle?

a rectange

The sides of a ladder are parallel Since the rungs are perpendicular to one side of the ladder what conclusion can be made?

If the rungs are perpendicular to one side of the ladder, then they must be parallel to the other side of the ladder. This is because if one side is perpendicular to the rungs, the other side, being parallel to the first side, will also be perpendicular to the rungs.

What characteristics do a square and rectangle have in common?

All angles in both are perpendicular and both have two sets of parallel sides

How is a trapezoid and a rhombus alike?

They are both types of quadrilaterals (polygons with four sides A rhombus has two pairs of parallel sides, all of which are congruent to each other. (have the same length) A trapezoid has exactly one pair of parallel sides.

How are trapizoids and rectangles the same?

they both have at least one pair of parallel sides and they both are not regular polygons. Parallel lines are two lines that are across from each other and do not cross like a = sign