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Q: What positive or negative have the reformers impact on the problems of American society?
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Why does a positive times a negative produces a negative?

Because when there is a positive and a negative in the same problem, it gives you a negative. An easy way to solve problems like that is if there is an odd number of negative signs, then your answer is going to be negative. If there is an even number of negative signs, then your answer is going to be positive. (no matter if there is a positive sign in a math problem).

Is a negative plus a positive a positive What are the steps to solving these types of problems?

actually, when adding a negative and positive it isn't always positive. for example: -19+8=-11. You should subtract the positive from negative like: 19-8=11.

Is a negative divided by a positive a negative What are the steps to solving these types of problems?

Yes. In division, the quotient is positive if the dividend and divisor have the same sign,and the quotient is negative if they have oppositesigns.

Is the word reduced positive or negative?

Reduced can be positive or negative. For example, "His allowance was reduced because he did not do his chores. As positive, The tension was reduced when they talked about their problems. Though both mean "lessened," in the first example, it has a negative effect, but in the second example, the effect is positive.

Is a negative divided by a negative a negative What are the steps to solving these types of problems?

No. In division, the quotient is positive if the dividend and divisor have the same sign,and the quotient is negative if they have oppositesigns.

Why does multiplying a negative and a negative integer equal a positive?

Fundamentally, it's because by removing problems you make things better.

How did the American approach to dealing with social problems change in the early to mid-1800s?

reformers turned to public authorities to establish new institutions.

What are the positive and negative affects of stress?

Depress is bad it can cause people emotional problems


The problems in society did the reformers of the temperance movement blame on alcohol were poverty, breakup of families, & crime.

What problems in society did reformers in temperance movement blame on alcohol?

The problems in society did the reformers of the temperance movement blame on alcohol were poverty, breakup of families, & crime.

What problems in society did reformers of the temperance movement blame on alcohol?

The problems in society did the reformers of the temperance movement blame on alcohol were poverty, breakup of families, & crime.