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Q: What prayer do you say at end of each decade?
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How to uses Hail Merry at the end of a prayer?

You can use a Hail Mary (not merry) as a separate prayer or add it to the end of a series of prayers. To do this, simply say the Hail Mary prayer at the end of the prayers before bed or in the morning.

Why do you say Amen at the end of a prayer?

It means "I believe"

What do Buddhist say at end of prayer?

Namo Amida Buddha.

What do jews say at the end of their prayers?

It is a prayer for those who have gone on before and for those who will yet go.

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What prayer do Catholics say each week to profess their faith?

The Nicene Creed

Do southern baptists say the Our Father Prayer?

Southern Baptists call "Our Father Prayer" "The Lord's Prayer." Southern Baptists will say it as a group recitation, but not in every service normally... although each church may vary.

What does Sikhs say at the end of the prayer like Christians say Amen at the end of the prayer?

No. The word "amen" comes from the Hebrew language. It is used after prayers in the various Christian and Islamic religions as well as Judaism (though with slightly different meanings in each). But it is not used in Sikhism as it is not based on Judaism.

What Hindus say at end of prayer?

Aum shanti .........three times,it means peace allway

When was Say a Prayer created?

Say a Prayer was created in 1993.

How many glory be in a each rosary decade?

Each decade of the Rosary has 10 Hail Marys. Plus, there are three Hail Marys at the beginning of the rosary for Faith, Hope, and Charity. So if you were to pray the usual five decades, you would pray 53 Hail Marys. If you were to pray three Rosaries, you would pray 153 Hail Mary's. If you were to pray four rosaries, you would pray 203 Hail Mary's.

When was Say a Little Prayer created?

Say a Little Prayer was created in 1993.