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Q: What president tried to convert metric to standard?
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How many Kilometers in 780 o F?

I think you tried to write 780 degrees Fahrenheit. Degrees are a measure of temperature. Kilometers indicate distance. You can't convert between the two because they are not the same types of measurements.

How do you covert feet into cubit yards?

Type this into Wiki hun: "How do you convert feet into cubic yards?" I tried fixing your spelling, to help, but it said that this question had already been answered. (Maybe it has an answer too.) Also, 3 feet = 1 yard.

How Convert 3 pounds to ounces?

Use a unit multiplyer. See how many ounces are in 1 pound then put 3 pounds and the number ounces in 1 pound over 1 in fraction form then multiply it. I know it's difficult to understand by computer so I tried my best to answer it.

What is the swift code for standard chartered bank in new friends colony New Delhi India?

I tried but couldn't find I can find only swift code for 17 PARLIAMENT STREET NEW DELHI 110001 SCBLINBBDEL Don't know if it applies for all in the city.

How much is 195 pounds in newtons?

If you divide 195 pounds by 2.2, you could convert it into kilograms. So 195 pounds is equal to 88.45kg. The standard acceleration due to gravity on Earth's surface is approximately 9.807(meters per second squared). And the mass here is 88.45kg. Now you can use the formula F=ma So, F=(88.45kg) x (9.807(meters per second squared)) Then F= 867.4 (kilogram meters per second squared-which is the same as Newtons) So F= 867.4N (Newtons) Hope that wasn't confusing. I tried to make it as straightforward as possible.

Related questions

Should the government use the metric system more or less?

The issue with changing to the Metric system is money. When they have tried to convert before it had costed billions of dollars just to convert 2 states. it would be nice if we were all using the same system because it would save conversion time and make less mistakes but i doubt this will ever happen.

What US president tried to start a system of measurement similar to the metric system?

President Thomas Jefferson attempted to introduce a decimal system similar to the metric system in the United States during his time in office. However, the initiative did not gain widespread adoption by the American public.

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What were the religious beliefs of both groups And Which group tried to convert the other one to their religion?

The spanish were christian, and the Aztecs were Mexicayotal. The spanish tried to convert the Aztecs.

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NO girls can be a president. Hilary Clinton tried.

In what court can the president be tried?

The senate.

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How many times have people in the US tried and failed to make the change to the metric system?

they had failed 101 times.