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Q: What price should a shopkeeper mark on an article which cost him rs.400 to gain 10 percent after allowing a discount of 12 percent?
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How much per cent above the cost price should a shopkeeper mark his goods so as to earn a profit of 26 percent after allowing a discount of 10 percent on the marked price?

40 % markup. 1.40 - 10% (.14) =1.26 where 1.00 is 100% 26% profit

H0w much percent above the cp should a shopkeeper mark his goods so that after allowing a discount of 20 percent on the market price he gains 20 percent?

80% of Mark Price- CP)*100/CP = 20 0.8*MP-CP=0.2 CP MP = 1.2CP/0.8 MP = 1.5 CP so MP should be marked 50 % above the CP.

What is percent of discount?

Percent of discount is the percentage of a whole price that is taken off as a discount.

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3.29 is 30 percent percent discount of 10.97.

Which is a greater discount 25 percent or 70 percent?

70 percent is the greater discount.

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15 percent discount of 210 is 31.5.

How much percent above the cost price should a shopkeeper mark his goods so that after allowing a discount of 20 percent on the marked price he gains 12 percent?

Mark the goods at 40% above cost price. Need sell_price such that: 80% of sell_price - cost_price/cost_price x 100 = 12% ⇒ 0.8 x sell_price - cost_price = 0.12 x cost_price ⇒ sell_price = 1.12/.8 cost_price = 1.4 cost_price 1.4 x 100 = 140% ⇒ mark at 40% above cost.

What is the difference between a 50 percent discount and a discount of 33.33 percent?

A 50% discount is half off, and a 33.33% discount is one third off.

By how much is it cheaper to pay for an article priced at 25 pounds with a discount of 10 percent than a discount of 8 pence in the pounds?

10% discount = £2.50; 8 pence per pound is just another way of saying 8% so discount is £2. The answer is therefore 50p, which is 2% of £25.

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40% discount.

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24.543 discount.

What is a 10 percent discount of 140?

A 10 percent discount of 140 is a discount of 14 (.10 x 140) Thus after a 10 percent discount, something that costs 140 would now cost 140 - 14 = 126