The prime factors of 104 are 2x2x2x13.
both are composite numbers
The two numbers that equal 104 are 52 and 52. When added together, 52 + 52 = 104. These two numbers are known as additive inverses of each other, meaning they are the same numerical value but with opposite signs.
The Prime factors of 104 are 2 and 13.
104 and 1, 103 and 2, 102 and 3...
1 x 104, 2 x 52, 4 x 26, 8 x 13.
They seem to mean that 97 is a prime number whereas the rest of them are composite numbers.
The numbers 1, 2, 4, 8, 13, 26, 52, and 104 are all factors of 104. This means that they can all divide 104 without leaving a remainder. For example, 104 divided by 13 is equal to 8.