39 and 45 are not relatively prime because they have 3 as a common factor. Relatively prime numbers have no common factor greater than 1.
45 and 64 are not prime numbers because they both have more than two factors
The prime numbers between 45 and 60 are 47, 53, and 59. The common factors of 45 and 60 are 1, 3, 5, and 15. The greatest common factor of 45 and 60 is 15.
15 is a factor of 45, but it is not a prime number.
3 is one of the prime numbers of 45.
Use a factor tree. 45 15,3 5,3,3
They are: 3 3 and 5
39 and 45 are not relatively prime because they have 3 as a common factor. Relatively prime numbers have no common factor greater than 1.
The greatest common factor of 8 and 45 is 1. The numbers 8 and 45 have no prime factors in common.
45 and 64 are not prime numbers because they both have more than two factors
Their only common factor is 1. They each have a repeated prime factor.
The least common factor of any set of numbers is 1.
The prime numbers between 45 and 60 are 47, 53, and 59. The common factors of 45 and 60 are 1, 3, 5, and 15. The greatest common factor of 45 and 60 is 15.
To find the GCF of two numbers, you first split them both into their prime factors. 45 = 3x3x5 60 = 2x2x3x5 The next step is to find the common prime factors. In this case, both numbers have one 3 as a factor, and both have one 5 as a factor. To get the greatest common factor, we find the product of these common prime factors: 5x3=15 Thus the greatest common factor of 45 and 60 is 15.
One way to determine the greatest common factor is to find all the factors of the numbers and compare them.The factors of 45 are 1, 3, 5, 9, 15, and 45.The factors of 76 are 1, 2, 4, 19, 38, and 76.The common factors are a single 1. Therefore, the greatest common factor is 1, which means the numbers are relatively prime.The greatest common factor can also be calculated by identifying the common prime factors and multiplying them together.The prime factors of 45 are 3, 3, and 5.The prime factors of 76 are 2, 2, and 19.There are no prime factors in common, so the numbers are relatively prime, which means the greatest common factor is 1.The GCF of 45 and 76 is 1. 45 and 76 have no factors in common aside from 1. However, this is unhelpful for simplification.
15 is a factor of 45, but it is not a prime number.
You do not. To have a greatest common factor, you need two or more numbers. A common factor is a factor that two or more number have in common. However, the prime factorization of all the numbers will help you find the greatest common factor. The greatest common factor will be the prime factors they have in common multiplied together. Example: The prime factors of 45 are 3, 3, and 5. The prime factors of 60 are 2, 2, 3, and 5. The common prime factors are 3 and 5, so the greatest common factor is 3 x 5 = 15.