There is no prime number between 60 and 80 that has a consecutive sum. The prime numbers between 60 and 80 are 61, 67, and 71, but none of them have consecutive sums.
the answer is clearly 83,89 and 97.
The largest prime less than 20 is 19. The largest prime over 60 is 61. The sum of these two numbers is 80.
The prime numbers (factors) of 80 are: 2 and 5
There is no prime number between 60 and 80 that has a consecutive sum. The prime numbers between 60 and 80 are 61, 67, and 71, but none of them have consecutive sums.
the answer is clearly 83,89 and 97.
79 + 73 = 152
The sum of the first two prime numbers is 5.
which three prime numbers have a sum of 59
You can't write that as the sum of two prime numbers. Note: Goldbach's Conjecture (for expressing numbers as the sum of two prime numbers) applies to EVEN numbers.