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Q: What principle does a prism demonstrate?
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What is the principle of dispersive power of prism?

It works under the principle of refraction and the phenomenon of dispersion.

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The principle of checks and balances.

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A company changes accounting principle.

How are prism and refract related?

A prism is a transparent object that can refract light, which means it can bend light as it passes through. Prisms separate white light into its different colors through refraction, creating a rainbow effect. So, prisms and refraction are related in that prisms demonstrate the principle of refraction by bending light.

What instrument bends light?

Mirror (uses reflection principle), transparent glass sheet (uses refraction principle),etc are the instruments which are used to bend light.

Who was the first scientist demonstrate that white light was composed of the light of all the colours of the rainbow?

Sir Isaac Newton was the first scientist to demonstrate that white light was composed of the colors of the rainbow. He did this by passing white light through a prism and observing the separation of colors.

How do you demonstrate compassion in your daily interaction with patients and coworkers?

Think and act keeping consideration of others views and principle of goodness for all.

How you demonstrate compassion in your daily interactions with patients and others?

Think and act keeping consideration of others views and principle of goodness for all.

How do you demonstrate compassion in your daily interaction with patients and other coworkers?

Think and act keeping consideration of others views and principle of goodness for all.

How you demonstrate compassion in your daily interactions with patients and other coworkers?

Think and act keeping consideration of others views and principle of goodness for all.

What happens when red light hits a prism?

A prism demonstrates this principle?no never ifsfrdi

Does a triangular prism have 12 edges?

The triangular prism from high school science class used to demonstrate the refraction of light has 9 edges, 5 sides and 6 vertices.