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Q: What problems did the M40 Gas Mask solve on the earth?
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Can you survive in a gas bomb without a gas mask?

Yes, you can but you can suffer from life long problems such as blindness, scarred lungs, tendency to get sick easily, burnt skin problems and infections.

When was Gas mask created?

Gas mask was created in 1914.

What are the three earth maters for earth?

pollution, gas problems and climate change

What does a gas mask hose do?

I think it stopped gas getting in the mask...

What does a gas mask tattoo mean?

A person wearing a gas mask.

What was a gas mask?

A gas mask is used to filter out toxic agents in the air.

What Gas mask does the modern German army Use?

M65 Gas Mask.

What is a gas mask made out of?

The main part of the gas mask is made out of rubber.

What is a Arabian gas mask?

its a mask made for ariabians

How do you solve for minimum pressure problems in chemistry?

To solve for minimum pressure problems in chemistry, you can use the ideal gas law equation, PV = nRT. Rearrange the equation to solve for P (pressure) when given V (volume), n (number of moles), R (gas constant), and T (temperature in Kelvin). Plugin the values and calculate the minimum pressure required.

What is Sid Wilsons Black gas mask called?

It's just called a gas mask.

What is the current Russian Military gas mask?

They use the military varient of the Gp7 gas mask.