To convert a decimal into a percent, multiply by 100 (or move the decimal point over two spaces to the right). 0.019 * 100 = 1.9 See related link below for more help
See the answer below.
See the "relevant answers" below.
Because some elements present in the body are at such low levels they fall below detection limits. Typical instrumentation has limits to what concentrations they can detect.
In lamens terms of what the guy/girl below me says just move the decimal to the right 2 tmes. easy. you would write it as 390%. to write a percent as a decimal you multiply the decimal by 100 then add a percent sign to the answer.
To convert a decimal into a percent, multiply by 100 (or move the decimal point over two spaces to the right). 0.019 * 100 = 1.9 See related link below for more help
Yes, alcohol is present in kombucha due to the fermentation process, but the levels are typically low (usually below 0.5).
290% = 2.9 in decimal form. Percent means 'per 100'. So, 290% means 290 per 100 or simply 290/100. If you divide 290 by 100, you'll get 2.9 (a decimal number). Read more below on this webpage. As you can see, to convert from percent to decimal just divide the percent value (290) by 100, and remove the "%" sign.
At present nuclear capacity is about 10 percent of the total, but provides more like 15 percent of total consumption. See the link below for more details
See the answer below.
It's about 50% percent below the sea level!
See the "relevant answers" below.
Line up the decimal numbers like this, 100.5 + 9.0 then add normally and put in the decimal right below the decimal obove.^
Because some elements present in the body are at such low levels they fall below detection limits. Typical instrumentation has limits to what concentrations they can detect.
below two percent
far below 1 percent.