A logical process. There are different methods for solving different problems and the only thing that they have in common is they all require logical progression.
because if u don't u may get it wrong
3 R's stand for Read, Represent, Relate and ESP stands for Equate, Solve, and Prove........ These are the process in solving word problems using equations.
Machines, by themselves, cannot identify problems. People are required to specify what problems might arise so that machines can "look" for them and respond in an appropriate manner.
I love solving logic problems and puzzles.
Scientist follow the scientific method for solving problems.
Scientific method refers to the particular process of solving problems--based on observation, empiricity and attribute of repetitiveness. Scientific attitute refers to willingness or temperament to follow/adopt this process for solving problems.
because if u don't u may get it wrong
3 R's stand for Read, Represent, Relate and ESP stands for Equate, Solve, and Prove........ These are the process in solving word problems using equations.
The process of solving constituents' problems in dealing with the bureaucracy.
I like mathematics, but I am bad at problem solving. Engineers are good at mathematics and problem solving.
The effort to analyze existing or likely problems, and to design responses that reduce the problem's negative effects. One definition of intelligence is the ability to solve problems.
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There isn't really a scientific solution to societies problems. The problems don't disappear over-night. The problems will only go away if everyone agrees that they are problems and that they need to be changed.
Some problems are unstructured in that similar problems have not occurred before and no ready routine exists for problem solving. Other problems have occurred routinely and a decision process exists for the problem.