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Q: What process is recommended for those products with the lowest volume and lowest standardization on the product continuum?
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Which process is recommended for those products with the lowest volume and the lowest standardization on the product continuum?

Continuous flow

On the product continuum a system falls in the area of low volume and low standardization but it is NOT at the extreme left (lowest) point. Based on this which process is recommended for producing the?

For a system falling in the low volume and low standardization area but not at the extreme left point of the product continuum, a job shop process is recommended for production. Job shops are flexible and can handle a variety of products with different requirements efficiently, making them suitable for low-volume, custom products.

What is product standardisation and product adaptation?

Product standardization refers to is the process companies go through to limit differences in products. Product adaptation is the process by which companies adjust their products to meet customer's needs.

What is the difference between product simplification specialization and standardization?

Standardization is a technique in which company establishes a standard such as product dimensions, size, quality and then company produces product on the basis of that standard. For example a manufacturing company produces shaft of standard shape and size. Simplification is the technique of reducing the diversity among the products. It is the process of minimizing product items to restrict production of useless products. Note: Simplification and standardization are closely related to each other. To get full benefit of standardization there is always a need of implementing simplification.

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What is the process of standardization?

Standardization is the process of developing and implementing technical standards to ensure that products, services, and systems are consistent, reliable, safe, and interoperable. It involves establishing guidelines, specifications, and best practices that help streamline processes, improve quality, and promote compatibility across different industries and markets. Standardization is crucial for facilitating trade, innovation, and global communication.

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Why is HCl not used as catalyst in the standardization of potassium permanganate?

HCl is not used as a catalyst in the standardization of potassium permanganate because it can react with permanganate ions, affecting the accuracy of the titration. The standardization process requires a neutral or slightly basic medium to ensure the permanganate titration proceeds correctly.

What is data standardization?

Standardization of raw data is the process of making its variables proportionate to each other. In statistics, it is often achieved by subtracting the mean from values and then dividing them by their Standard Deviation.