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This question is back-to-front. It would be much better to ask, "What problems would arise if we didn't round the year to 365 days?"

Problem 1.

Earth's tilt relative to the sun would change a little each year and winter weather would come earlier and earlier. After about 600 years it would be snowing in mid-summer and the hottest days would be in the middle of winter.

Problem 2.

If every year were 365 .25 days as it really is, then the new year would start at six o'clock in the morning every fourth year and at midday each year after that and at 6pm too sometimes. The parties would be difficult to arrange and people wouldn't be too happy with the parties starting at 6am.

Problem 3.

Years would not begin on the first of January except once every thousand years or so.

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Q: What promblems arise from rounding a year to 365 days?
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[ID1220331262] 14 months and 3 weeks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [mec3usa] Let me show the math this way. On average, 365.25 days in a year. Seven days make a week. It is easier to think of an average as follows. Seven of the 12 mouths carry 31 days each; 4 of the 12 months have 30 days each; February has 28 days, except for the leap year every 4 years. On average, each month carries (7*31+4*30+28.25)/12 = 365.25/12 = 30.4375 days = 4.3482 weeks. 59/4.3482 = 13.57 months. The answer is 13 months, rounding down, or 14 months, rounding up. Even if I skip the math as follow, I get 14 months, at most. A year carries 52.18 weeks. So, 59-52.18 ~ 6.8 weeks --> 2 months at most, rounding up. Adding 2 months to the 12 months in a year, I get 14 months, tops.

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365 1/4 days in a year 365 and a quarter days every year, that's why we have a leap year every fourth year to round it up

How day are there in a year?

There is 365 days in a year, but in a leap year there are 366 days.

How many days is in year?

There are 365 days in a year. If it is a leap-year, then there are 366 days.

What problems were caused when rounding a year to 365 days?

because there was still a quarter of a day left for the earth to make a complete revolution around the earth. by having a leap year every four years, those 4 quarter days left over (4 x 6 hours) makes an extra day which is included in a leap year. if there was no leap year.. eventually our winters would run into summers. (e.g winter will be in June as opposed to December in the northern hem.)