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The property that 1 is the identity for multiplication.

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Q: What property is shown in 4 x1 equals 4?
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What is the property of addition that is shown by 8 plus 4 equals 4 plus 8?

It is the commutative property of addition : A+B = B+AMultiplication has the same property, whereas in subtraction and division the order of the terms changes the result.

What property is if x equals 4 and y equals 2x then y equals 8?

Substitution property.

If y equals -2 when x equals 4 find x when y equals 5?

x1:y1 = x2:y2 4:-2 = x2:5 x2 = (4*5)/-2 x2 = -10

What property is x plus y equals 4 is the same as 4 equals x plus y?

symmetric property

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12 equals 3x(4) equals 6x(2) equals (12)x1

What multiplication property is used for 5 x 4 equals 4 x 5?

5 x 4 equals 4 x 5 is commutative property.

What property of multiplication is 1 times 4 equals 4?

Identity Property

M is the midpoint of pq verify that this is the midpoint by using the distance formula to show tha pm equals mq?

Let P(x1, y1), Q(x2, y2), and M(x3, y3).If M is the midpoint of PQ, then,(x3, y3) = [(x1 + x2)/2, (y1 + y2)/2]We need to verify that,√[[(x1 + x2)/2 - x1]^2 + [(y1 + y2)/2 - y1]^2] = √[[x2 - (x1 + x2)/2]^2 + [y2 - (y1 + y2)/2]^2]]Let's work separately in both sides. Left side:√[[(x1 + x2)/2 - x1]^2 + [(y1 + y2)/2 - y1]^2]= √[[(x1/2 + x2/2)]^2 - (2)(x1)[(x1/2 + x2/2)) + x1^2] + [(y1/2 + y2/2)]^2 - (2)(y1)[(y1/2 + y2/2)] + y1^2]]= √[[(x1)^2]/4 + [(x1)(x2)]/2 + [(x2)^2]/4 - (x1)^2 - (x1)(x2) + (x1)^2 +[(y1)^2]/4 + [(y1)(y2)]/2 + [(y2)^2]/4 - (y1)^2 - (y1)(y2) + (y1)^2]]= √[[(x1)^2]/4 - [(x1)(x2)]/2 + [(x2)^2]/4 + [(y1)^2]/4 - [(y1)(y2)]/2 + [(y2)^2]/4]]Right side:√[[x2 - (x1 + x2)/2]^2 + [y2 - (y1 + y2)/2]^2]]= √[[(x2)^2 - (2)(x2)[(x1/2 + x2/2)] + [(x1/2 + x2/2)]^2 + [(y2)^2 - (2)(y2)[(y1/2 + y2/2)] + [(y1/2 + y2/2)]^2]]= √[[(x2)^2 - (x1)(x2) - (x2)^2 + [(x1)^2]/4 + [(x1)(x2)]/2 + [(x2)^2]/4 + (y2)^2 - (y1)[(y2) - (y2)^2 + [(y1)^2]/4) + [(y1)(y2)]/2 + [(y2)^2]/4]]= √[[(x1)^2]/4 - [(x1)(x2)]/2 + [(x2)^2]/4 + [(y1)^2]/4 - [(y1)(y2)]/2 + [(y2)^2]/4]]Since the left and right sides are equals, the identity is true. Thus, the length of PM equals the length of MQ. As the result, M is the midpoint of PQ

Which property is illustrated by the statement if -4 equals n then n equals -4?


What is the property of 6 plus 4 equals 4 plus 6?

The commutative property of addition

What property of addition is involved in 4 plus 0 equals 4?

Identity Property of Addition