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Q: What property lines on a site plan?
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A site plan is used to show?

A site plan will show the placement of a project related to setback lines, property lines and easements. I will also show any proposed placement of concrete flatwork and possibly landscaping.

How do I obtain site plan for my property?

For a detailed description on how to prepare a site plan you can go to . There are other useful tips on the site and if you need they can draw a site plan for you.

What is meant by property lines?

A property line discribes the legal boundary of a parcel or land. This boundary is established by a professional surveyor. The property lines are often discribed on a drawing called a 'plot plan' or 'plat'.

Difference between site and block plan?

The scale foremost. While site plans are normally 1:100 (or at the same size as the building plans), block plans are usually at 1:500 or larger. A site plan "usually shows a building footprint, travelways, parking, drainage facilities, sanitary sewer lines, water lines, trails, lighting, and landscaping." While the block plan puts more emphasis on the position of the site.

Where do you buy a site plan?

You can either hire an architect or have a survey done on your property. If you want to draw your own site plan here is a blog to help you: (See related Link) (They also sell simple site plans if appropriate for your needs.)

In new construction who lays out the job site before work starts?

If you had a survey and plot plan drawn it will be the builder/contractor's responsibility to build according to the plan. If no survey or plan was drawn, you will have to tell him where you want it... and be responsible for things like - lot lines, building lines and county codes.

Why does the property specify parallel lines?

the property has a parallel lines beacuse there traversal

What is site plan?

A Site Plan is a drawing that depicts the site of a proposed or existing project.

Is there a statute of limitations on Property lines in CA?

Property lines remain constant unless changed by a taking such as a highway relocation, boundary line agreement or by a subividion of the property where new property lines are created.

What is coplanar lines?

coplanar lines are lines lying on the same plan.

How can I determine my property lines and get them marked accurately?

To determine your property lines accurately, you can start by checking your property deed or survey. You can also hire a professional surveyor to mark the boundaries of your property.

Can you book a dining plan on a regular hotel reservation at Disney World?

I believe you are asking if you must be staying in a Walt Disney World on-site resort to use the Disney Dining Plan. Yes, you must be staying at an on-property resort to take part in the Dining Plan.