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Q: What property means the numbers can be swapped?
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What is cominitive property?

The commutative property states that the numbers on which we operate can be moved or swapped from their position without making any difference to the answer.

What does assocative property mean?

It means that you can move the numbers around. The numbers "Associate" with each other.

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Does the comunitive property of addition apply when you add two negative integers?

Communitive means of, or belonging to, a community. No numbers has this property.

What is a property that states the order in which numbers are added or multiplied does not change the sum or product?

Either:The commutative property (or law):number_1 x number_2 = number_2 x number_1orThe associative property (or law):number_1 x (number_2 x number_3) = (number_1 x number_2) x number_3.Both describe your question, but with a difference in the interpretation of "...the order in which the numbers are...":The commutative property says the numbers can be swapped over (the order reversed) and the result is the same.The associative property says the first two numbers can be operated on first, then the result of that with the third; or the order changed so that the second and third are operated on first and then the result of that with the first.

What will happen if metric systems are swapped?

If in our life metric system is swapped means exchanged then the metric system of two or more countries are fully changed means that countries are in very much in troubble and have to study again.

Why is there no commutative property for subtraction or division?

There is no commutative property in subtraction or division because the order of the numbers cannot be change. This means that when multiplying or adding it does not matter the order of the numbers because the answer comes out the same.

What is it when adding three numbers and regrouping gives the same sum?

It is a result of the associative property of numbers.It is a result of the associative property of numbers.It is a result of the associative property of numbers.It is a result of the associative property of numbers.

What does order property of aditon mean?

It means that you can add up the numbers in any order, and it doesn't matter, the result will be the same.

Which of the following sets of numbers contains multiplicative inverses for all its nonzero elements?

Please don't write "the following" if you don't provide a list. This is the situation for some common number sets:* Whole numbers / integers do NOT have this property. * Rational numbers DO have this property. * Real numbers DO have this property. * Complex numbers DO have this property. * The set of non-negative rational numbers, as well as the set of non-negative real numbers, DO have this property.

How many ways can you make a rectangular array with the number 60?

12 ways, including those with rows and column numbers swapped.

How do you use the distributive property for 2 numbers?

You don't. The distributive property involves at least three numbers.