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None. Properties of inequalities are not that relevant when solving equalities.

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Q: What property of inequality would you use to solve the equation 14x equals 35?
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How do you solve 5x25?

In algebra, you cannot solve 5x25 since there is no equation nor an inequality, only an expression.

How do you solve -24?

There is no equation not inequality. So there is nothing to solve!

How do you solve 3a square root 21?

There is no equation (nor inequality) so there is nothing to solve.There is no equation (nor inequality) so there is nothing to solve.There is no equation (nor inequality) so there is nothing to solve.There is no equation (nor inequality) so there is nothing to solve.

Solve roman number equation ii equals xxii over viii not touching equals sign?

This is an inequality equation in the form of: ii < xxii/viii which is the same as 2 < 22/8

Which will solve N in 8xN plus 40 equals?

Nothing will solve an expression. You need an equation (an equality or an inequality) beofre a solution of any kind is possible. Tha means you need something on both sides of the equality (or inequality) sign.

How do you solve x equals 0 inequality?

"x equals 0" is an equality, not an inequality. The question is, therefore, not consistent.

How do you solve an inequality when using the distributive property?

You solve an inequality in the same way as you would solve an equality (equation). The only difference is that if you multiply or divide both sides of an inequality by a negative number, you must reverse the inequality sign. Thus, if you have -3x < 9 to find x, you need to divide by -3. That is a negative number so -3x/(-3) > 9/(-3) reverse inequality x > -3

How do you find the value of x in the following 10 times x 73?

You cannot solve an expression. You need an equation or inequality.You cannot solve an expression. You need an equation or inequality.You cannot solve an expression. You need an equation or inequality.You cannot solve an expression. You need an equation or inequality.

How do you solve - 5?

There is equation of inequality and so there is nothing that can be solved.

Solve the following inequalitie 12x plus 7 equals 43?

This is not an inequality. This is an equation.12x+7=43 12x=36 x=3

How do you solve 6.021023?

6.021023 is a single number: not an equation or inequality. You cannot solve a single number!