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Q: What property says that the way numbers are grouped when added does not make a difference in their sum?
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What is the assciative property?

The way in which numbers are grouped when added or multiplied does not change the sum or product.

What is the property that states the way in which three numbers are grouped when they are added or multiplied does not change their sum or product?


What is the first property of addition?

I don't know which of these are 'first', but there is the:Identity Property - you can add zero and get the same number back.Commutative Property - numbers can be added in any order and get the same result.Associative Property - numbers can be grouped in parenthesis and added without changing the resulting sum.

Does the commutative property state that numbers can be added or subtracted in any order?

The commutative property basically states that numbers can be added or subtracted in any order.

Example of commutative property of addition?

2 + 3 = 5 3 + 2 = 5 The order of the numbers that are being added does not make a difference.

What is the property of addition states that numbers can be added in any order?

It is the commutative property of addition.

What is the associative property in math?

The way in which numbers are grouped when added or multiplied does not change the sum or product.In symbols the associative property of addition says that (a+b) +c = a + (b +c) where a,b, and c are any numbers.The associative property for multiplication says that (ab)c=a(bc).Informally, the associative property says that grouping does not matter when applying the operation.

What property of addition states that the numbers can be added in any order and the sum will be the same?

Associative Property

What property states that numbers can be added or multiplied in any order without affecting the answer?

The commutative or Abelian property.

Which property states that the grouping of numbers being added or multiplied can be changed without affecting the answer?

The associative property.

What numbers equal 28 added to gather?

The difference is 10

What property shows that numbers can be regrouped when being added or multiplied without changing their value?

The commutative property of addition and the commutative property of multiplication.